PC Žaidimai atsisiūsti iš BitTorrent 2009m.

1. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 — 4,100,000
2. The Sims 3 — 3,200,000
3. Prototype — 2,350,000
4. Need for Speed Shift — 2,100,000
5. Street Fighter 4 — 1,850,000

Xbox 360 Žaidimai atsisiūti iš BitTorrent 2009m.

1. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 — 4,100,000
2. Street Figther 4 — 840,000
3. Prototype — 810,000
4. Dirt 2 — 790,000
5. UFC 2009 Undisputed — 720,000

Wii Žaidimai atsisiūti iš BitTorrent 2009m.

1. New Super Mario Bros. — 1,150,000
2. Punch-Out! — 950,000
3. Wii Sports Resort — 920,000
4. The House of the Dead: Overkill — 860,000
5. Mario Power Tennis — 830,000