Falcon 4.0 + SP4 + BMS instaliacijos instrukcija (angl. by SWAMPY11)

This guide is a supplement to a more complete updated patch and add-on source at:
This SP4 install guide is still in flux, as is SP4 itself. As new updates and patches arrive, they will be included here. However, many have not had the luxury of “time on task”, so try them at your own risk. Please keep me informed here at Frugals’ as new additions become available. This is a work in progress. Remember that SP4 is NOT compatible with any FreeFalcon patch, at least for the moment.
Phase One – Standard SP4 Install
Sequence of Installs:
a. Falcon4.0 CD
b. 1.08 U.S. Patch
c. SP4 Patch
d. Add additional patches such as: HiRes tiles, third party cockpits, font enhancers, 3DSuperpit, etc. (Do not add these patches at this time if you are continuing the „dance“ to BMS)
This completes the „standard“ SP4 install.
I. The Clean Up (Use only if F4 was previously installed)
1. Totally uninstall the Microprose folder. (I use a third party
uninstaller just to be sure)
2. Erase all F4 related files in :C:\temp, C:\windows\temp, and the recycle bin if applicable.
3. Erase all folders either Microprose and/or F4Patch from the
registry before you re-install.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microprose (erase folder on
left if there)
HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/F4patch (erase folder on left
if there)
4. Delete Microprose\Falcon folder
5. Reboot and Defrag.
1. Download and execute the F4 RegCleanUp file from
http://users.tns.net/~mhom/index.html (Thanks Homer[cide])
2. Reboot and Defrag. (Optional)
II. New Clean Installation of F4 from Microprose CD(First time install, start here)
1. Install Falcon 4.0 from the Microprose CD. Choose the Full Install option as this will prevent having the CD inserted at load up. [Note:When installing from the CD, use the default folder name, without any spaces, as this saves you from reinstalling when you later want to install one of the PMC add-on theaters. If you have to use a folder name other than the default, make sure there are no spaces in the name.] (Thanks Vlamgat)
2. In the Falcon Zip directory, rename the tacrdata.zip file to
tacrdata_old.zip This is due to a bug in the 1.08 patch.
3. Reboot and Defrag. (Optional)
III. Install 1.08 Patch
1. Install the 1.08 patch
2. Rename the tacrdata_old .zip file you just renamed back to its original…tacrdata.zip.
3. After installation of the 1.08 Patch, delete the msvcrt.dll in the main directory of Falcon. This will force the the usage of the newest revision provided with your OS. (Thanks Hornet)
4. If you are using a non-English version of the original F4 CD, install this English version the Falcon.tlk into Falcon4/sounds directory. BE sure to back up the original. (Thanks Hellswolves)
5. If, during the installation of 1.08us, you receive an error when patching at the KoreaOjb file (this is rare, but does happen)go to the next step.
6. If no error occured during patching, reboot, defrag and go to step V.
IV. Fix for the 1.08us Patch
1. If an error occured during the 1.08 patching process, exit the 1.08 patch.
2. Open the Falcon4 main directory/terrdata/objects and rename KoreaObj.LOD to KoreaObj_old.LOD.
3. Download a different version of KoreaObj.LOD from http://users.tns.net/~mhom/index.html
4. Using the browse button in the self-extracting file of the KoreaObj.exe, go to the Falcon4 main directory/terrdata/objects and click install. This will install the newer version of KoreeaObj.LOD.
5. Go back and repeat step III.
V. Install SP4
VI. Expanding the F4 package (Do not do this step now if you plan to install BMS.)
1. Within the F4 main directory, open the „falconsp config editor.exe“ which is located in the main Falcon4 directory. This will open Falconsp Config Editor menu.
2. Confirm the selected „Filter:“ is set to „All Patches“ (default) in the Falconsp Config Editor menu.
3. Click on „Refresh Patches“ button in the Falconsp Config Editor.
4. Select ‘File/Save All Patches As Filter …’ menu option.
5. At the „In order to use a filter you must be using an expanded package“ prompt, select YES.
6. At the „This function will expand the package to an F4Patch directory. Would you like to continue“ prompt, select YES.
7. At the „F4Patch’ directory already exists. Would you like to replace this directory“ (CAUTION: This will delete your current ‘F4Patch’ directory and everything in it)? Select NO.
8. When prompted do you wish to create a shortcut on your desktop select YES.
9. When prompted to enter a filter name just select CANCEL to use the default name of F4Patch.
10. Click „Exit“ to close the Falconsp Config Editor.
11. Delete all shortcuts named Falconsp Config Editor because you will no longer will be using it. Instead, you should only use the newly created F4patch shortcut. Now open the newly created F4patch.
12. Click on the „+ sign to the left of the checked box of (SP)
Falcon Configuration
13. Click on the „+ sign to the left of Settings Hardware.
14. Check all options except the last, Voodoo 1&2 Compatibility.
15. All other options set to default or your personal taste and
CPU/Video card power.(To make any further configuration changes use the F4Patch.exe instead of the config editor.)
16. Reboot and Defrag. (Optional)
For colored illustrated instuctions, go to
http://users.tns.net/~mhom/Expand_F4patch.html (Thanks Homer[cide])
VII. SP4 patches
1. Install SP4.1 Update (Skip steps 2-5)
2. Install SP4 unofficial Hotfix (Thanks Ratty)
3. Back up both tacrdata.zip and TacRefDB.bin
4. Apply new Tactical Reference (Thanks Ravager)
5. Apply new TacRefDB.bin
VIII. Install add-on’s – HiRes tile set, cockpits, skyfix, etc., but nothing that requires the use of F4Patch (see list below)
Aeyes’ Cockpits
3D Cockpit Enhancement
Panther’s Cockpits
Panther’s Cockpit Installation Instruction Set
Dr. Stop’s Cockpits
Higher Resolution Patches
twalti’s HighRes Terrain Set (thanks Tom2)
Tigor1c HiRes „Tile Integrator“ Terrain Installer (thanks Stiletto2 & Blueprint)
Skin Installing Tutorial (Thanks Nyquist)
HiRes DDS Skin (Thanks hrenner)
HiRes DDS Tail – FFTv3 (Thanks RoqueSqdn)
SkinSwitcher DDS (Thanks Elephant)
Font size (thanks Archer)
HSI Colored Direction Needles
Sound Pack AMAX v. 2.0 (Thanks Amax)
F4Weather 1.10 (Thanks Tom2)
Panther’s Skyfix (Thanks Panther)
ftp://robhughes.com/pub/download/falcon/Panthers skyfix Beta 1.zipftp://robhughes.com/pub/download/falcon/Panthers skyfix Beta 1.zip
Panther’s New Skyfix for BMS (Thanks Panther)
3DSuper Pit ((Thanks Aeyes)
Salellite Photo-Based Kneemap KTO (Thanks Viper)…tion=file&id=68
Deuky’s Final Skyfix for BMS (Thanks Deuky)
Sky Fix Switcher for BMS (Thanks Elephant)
IX. Within Falcon 4: Under Setup/Graphics
1 All sliders maxed except bubble=3 and vehicle mag=1.
2. Gouraud Shading should be checked.
3. Resolution is set at 1024×768 @32 bit
4. Set video card to: HAL not T&L HAL if NOT using BMS. If using BMS, then set to: Direct3D T&L HAL.
5. Under Advanced: Ultra Only 32 bit textures
Fast 2d cockpit: enabled
Fast A-G radar: enabled
Filter objects: enabled
Anisotropic filtering: enabled
3DNow: enabled
F4Patch Settings
Settings Hardware: (check all the following boxes EXCEPT)
1. Enable MipMaps
2. Graphic distortion fixes
3. Software UI
4. Swizzle Terrain Textures
5. Throttle DirectInput ID workaround
6. Voodoo 1&2 Compatibility
Phase Two – BMS
X. BMS Install
Sequence of Installs:
a. All add-ons – cockpits, HeRes tiles, font enhancer, skins, etc
b. BMS V.xxx
Falcon 4.0 Phase II –BenchMarkSims (BMS)
BMS is, in this site at least, being joined together in the install instructions with SP4. BenchMarkSims (BMS) has an agreement with the current owners of Falcon 4.0, G2Interactive Inc., to modify, update and make improvements using the Falcon 4.0 source code. These additions add such a new dimension to the sim that it is included here as an “necessary” addition.
1. Download the current BMS patch:
BMS1.03 http://www.freefalcon.com/download/F4-BMS1.03-Setup.zip
BMS2.0 http://www.gamershell.com/download_6102.shtml
2. TURN OFF YOUR ANTI-VIRUS. Install the current version of BMS and upon exiting the BMS installer, after the installation is complete, the F4-BMS Config Editor will automatically open.
3. Expand the F4-BMS Config Editor. Make sure you are pointing the executable to F4-BMS.exe (See step Phase One, Section VI for instructions)
4. Check the box next to “(SP) Falcon Configuration” and click “Apply”. It may appear to hang-up with about 50% complete, but be patient, it will finish. Then Exit. We will come back to complete the configuration further in the process.
5 Start Falcon4 using the F4-BMS shortcut that was created on your desktop.
6. After creating a new pilot under Logbook, set Input, set Sound settings then open the Setup Tab and set as follows:
a. Video Driver: Primary Display Driver
b. Video Card: Direct3D HAL
c. Resolution: 1024 x768 – 32 Bit
d. Texture Smoothing: checked
e. Haze: checked, but may depend on the skyfix that is used.
f. Cloud Shadows: checked
g. Terrain Detail: 7
h. Object Detail: 7
i. Object Density: 6
j. Player Bubble: 3
k. Vehicle Magnification: 1
l. Special Effects: 5
m. Cockpit Cues: Reflection
7. Advanced Graphics Button
a. Anisotropic Filtering: checked
b. Mipmapping: checked
c. Render GM to Texture: checked
d. Z-Buffering: unchecked
e. Render 2D Cockpit: checked
f. Font Textel Alignment: unchecked
g. In the Texture Pool list box, check the 16-bit Color Palette or click the DXTn Compressed Pool option then clicking „Compress Textures“. Depend on the power of your cpu, this compression could take 15 minutes to a couple of hours. If you choose DXTn compression, be sure to disable screensavers and all the power managment stuff. Be patient and do not disturb while the process is taking place.
8. Exit Falcon and replace your previously saved log book and any other files you retained. (See #1)
9. Using a text editor such as Notepad or WordPad, open the falconSP.cfg file. Scroll down until you find the following entries, copy (Ctrl c) the entire set then exit:
// Internal variables – don’t change !!!!
set g_nFogRenderState 0
set g_bNoAAAEventRecords 1
set g_bATCTaxiOrderFix 1
set g_nChooseBullseyeFix 3
set g_bMavFix2 1
set g_bNeedSimThreadToRemoveObject 1
set g_bAGTargetWPFix 1
set g_nMissileFix 511
// Internal variables – don’t change !!!!
set g_sWorldName „SP4WORLD“
set g_bLookCloserFix 1
set g_nPadlockMode 14
set g_bShowFlaps 1
set g_nSoundSwitchFix 0
set g_nDeagTimer 10
set g_nReagTimer 10
10. Using a text editor such as Notepad or WordPad, open the falconBMS.cfg file. Scroll down until the top set of the above entries is found and then highlight as much as is the same. Now paste (Ctrl v) the falconSP3.cfg entries into the falconBMS.cfg file so SP3 overwrites BMS. Save and exit.
11. Open the F4-BMS Config Editor.exe located in the Falcon root directory.
12. Click on the “+” next to (SP) Falcon Configuration.
13. Click on the “+” next to Settings BenchmarkSims folder.
14. Check the following settings/patches:
a. DSB1 Scan Rate Factor = (.75)
b. DSB2 Scan Rate Factor = (.85)
c. Doppler Sound Update = (10)
d. FOV Increment = (05)
e. Force DXTn Sun
f. HUD Fixes
g. Large Strike Packages
h. Maverick EXP Zoom = (2.0)
i. Maverick FOV Zoom = (4)
j. Maximum Cockpit FOV = (80)
k. Mode-Independent Elevation Control
l. Mouse Look
m. Precision Waypoints
n. Realistic Mav Time
o. Recon Lat/Long
p. Roll-Linked NWS Rudder
(For a more detailed BMS installation, see the F4-BMS 1.03 User Manual
15. Expand F4Patch and install all patches that require the use of F4Patch (see sure you are pointing the executable to F4-BMS.exe).
16. ALL-IN-1 Theater Patch for BMS (Thanks bird11)
17. Add all HiRes tiles, HUD font enhances. Remember, any campaign or TE’s that will be saved with the current version of BMS will NOT be compatible with any previous version of F4, and older TE’s may not function properly as well. Advice, finish that old campaign before continuing.
18. Install additional theaters
19. BMS Missile Fix (Thanks Ratty)
XI. SP4 User’s Manual
http://www3.telus.net/DFWebspace/training-te.zip (Thanks MerlinTVD)
http://www.geocities.com/paul_sterman/ (Thanks Juggernaut)
http://home.rochester.rr.com/hhhome/TE/TE.htm (Thanks 56th. VFW)
http://tec.freefalcon.com/tedownloads.htm (Thanks Triton)
Thanks to all the squadrons whose sites I have linked to. The F4 community and I are in your debt.
This site will be updated constantly to bring out the best of F4/SP4/BMS, so check back often. Happy flying,
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išversiu gabalais, reikia daug laiko.